Monday, 25 November 2019


Hi Guys, I will my best to help and keep it simple. In order to address that; here is the information on the change, in a nutshell. I was just wondering if the Developers could clear up thie development history of GameGuru and if it is at all possible that it could be connected in some way to a different named product called FPS Creator on the website http: When does a fully functional version will be released? As im still not comfortable with the F9 edit mode.

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When other game types other than FPS are introduced, It will finally be in the running with engines like Unity and such. Also doesn't help that the GameGuru forms seem broken for me, you fps on Forums and its just an empty page. Do I still support the project.

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Take a look at The 3d Game Maker. Reloaded is in development and not ready yet for any serious kind of game development, I questioned the validity of issuing model packs way back before any Beta release but now realize we will have to wait as I am sure this is an issue which will be dealt with in due time Till performance is fpsf to scratch and the ability to build a game exe is implemented it is a bit of a moot point and you should use your current opportunity to get to grips with the software, there are many additions in each beta and as it goes along you will have a really good understanding of how to get the best out of it by official release.

But seriously, keep in touch and check up on progress from time to time.

Remember too that the. You cannot fault those users that feel reloadec way, and you cannot expect everyone is going to be dancing with glee and following the norm. So it does not matter, what you spent, I personally bought gold if I remember right, but the point is we paid to be early adopters, so stop feeling robbed, and feel privileged that you are still testing what people cant get right now.

The engine and game editor allows for realtime shadows and bdta which allows the user to access geta level in realtime, and make adjustments with in heta game, to both assets and fine tuning the terrain. Once Game Guru goes bets on Steam February 27th ; your potential client base will increase exponentially.

Segments won't work since they are no longer supported. Captive Maybe the people who are developing it at the moment did not no that it would would not work with the old packs or maybe they have every intention of making them work. How many depends on your pledge level. Sure it's a kids game creation system neta it had native 3rd person camera scripting built in allowing for lots of other game types to be made. The UK based the game creators have been busy at work with the newest version of FPS creator called reloaded, it's currently still in beta.

Since the game creators have made the impossible, possible with their software called FPS creator, name so as it creates first person shooter games, no previous experience needed. I know we are paying for the support mate as so are man. You want to "rebrand" your product, we get that. Some have a lot of time, some have little time, etc. Joined Jul 25, Messages 5, And I'm not saying that it won't pay off beya the long run for the backers. The point is we are diverse- let us not loose focus of that when people are hesitant.

Please stop, moaning about how ripped off you feel for, the new pricing of the game Guru, And remember that a the games creators are making great products. Believe me what they are trying to achieve is not easy and will take some time.

FPSC-Reloaded image - Into the Ice - Nazis of Neuschwabenland - Indie DB

Hello Teabone; what reply are you referring to? Some may have the ability to have a large team to work with while others are just a two or three person team working. Half of me is screaming at you now saying it was damn time since my first thought when i first heard of FPSC back then was: I'm confused as to what this means for backers of FPSC: I found something that fits my needs I think and is free at the moment, it has repoaded of features and stuff like road mapping and terrain building, not sure on inside buildings yet I only found it today.

That or they miss read it. Captive, I am curious. But like many people have said in this thread, keep in mind Captive, that what you ultimately are paying for is the support for Reloaded. Thread starter wizardofid Start date Mar 11, I'd suggest referral to Ched's Script Syntax Guide which is an excellent example of organization in documentation. TGC have set their sights on making Game Guru a total game development platform, that is easy to use, while still providing the robust tools and architecture to create a full-production project.

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